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Mar Ott 01, 2013 1:58 pm Da Tumbao

Sono appena arrivato su Linux Audio. org

Stavo seguendo la bellissima guida di Senbee e ho combinato subito un guaio.

Invece che dare …

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[News] Pronta la nuova guida sulla produzione musicale!

Sab Mag 12, 2012 9:11 am Da Senbee

Ho finalmente riscritto la mia guida sulla produzione musicale su Ubuntu. Per migliorarla o per discutere gli argomenti trattati siete invitati a …

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[Risolto] Nessun sync con Ardour 4.7

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[Risolto] Nessun sync con Ardour 4.7  Empty [Risolto] Nessun sync con Ardour 4.7

Messaggio  Steeler Dom Mar 06, 2016 1:35 pm

Avete riscontrato questo problema?


1. avvia Ardour4 normalmente da GUI e attiva jack dal bottone nel menu di avvio.
2. vai nelle preferenze e sulla scheda transport dove trovi scritto Sync/Slave  apri il menu e selezioni JACK
3. lancia hydrogen

Grazie a Paul Smile

**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Mar  7 18:27:07 2016

Mar 07 18:34:21 <Steeler> Hi, this sync command doesn't work on ardour4
Mar 07 18:34:30 <Steeler> jackd -d alsa -d hw:1 -r 44100 -p 1024 -n 2 & ardour4 -n & hydrogen -n -k /usr/share/hydrogen/data/drumkits/UltraAcousticKit
Mar 07 18:34:37 <Steeler> do you have some experiences?
Mar 07 18:35:36 <las> Steeler: (1) you do not need to use JACK (2) what goes wrong? (3) you probably need some sleep commands in there to delay things
Mar 07 18:36:09 <Steeler> las, I want to sync hydrogen with ardour4
Mar 07 18:37:02 <las> Steeler: it is very unlikely to me that this command would work as written
Mar 07 18:37:25 <Steeler> las, I also did with the jack GUI but the I have the same situation.
Mar 07 18:37:42 <Steeler> *the
Mar 07 18:37:44 <las> Steeler: what situation
Mar 07 18:37:52 <Steeler> las, no any sync
Mar 07 18:39:07 <las> Steeler: have you chosen appropriate transport sync options in both ardour and h2 ?
Mar 07 18:40:57 <Steeler> las, I don't remember, I can re-try now. Anyway Ardour4 saw all channels of hydrogen in his audio connections
Mar 07 18:43:03 <las> Steeler: that doesn't really mean anything
Mar 07 18:43:12 <las> Steeler: sync is not a function of audio connectivity
Mar 07 18:43:46 <las> Steeler: you need to set one of them to be the JACK time master and set the other one to sync to JACK transport time
Mar 07 18:44:03 <las> Steeler: neither program does this automatically
Mar 07 18:44:04 <Steeler> las, now it works, solved
Mar 07 18:45:04 <Steeler> las, thank you very much

Ultima modifica di Steeler il Lun Mar 07, 2016 9:07 pm - modificato 3 volte. (Motivazione : edit con la soluzione)
Baby Tux
Baby Tux

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