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Mar Ott 01, 2013 1:58 pm Da Tumbao

Sono appena arrivato su Linux Audio. org

Stavo seguendo la bellissima guida di Senbee e ho combinato subito un guaio.

Invece che dare …

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Commenti: 4

[News] Pronta la nuova guida sulla produzione musicale!

Sab Mag 12, 2012 9:11 am Da Senbee

Ho finalmente riscritto la mia guida sulla produzione musicale su Ubuntu. Per migliorarla o per discutere gli argomenti trattati siete invitati a …

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Commenti: 20

Mag 2024

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» ancora un softsynth ...
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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  Rael Gio Mag 22, 2014 9:38 pm

Allora in realtà .. il benedetto jack sul pc desktop in firma, a parte Ubuntu 10.10 per il resto è un problema via l'altro.

Intanto ho risolto il problema del puntatore del mouse che random si rallentava .. ho messo un bel mouse ps2
Dopo mille installazioni dei sistemi operativi più disparati dove ho sempre trovato problematiche ho deciso di ri installare Ubuntustudio 12.04 a 32 bit e andare in fondo alla questione.

Primo problema Jack non parte ne con interfaccia grafica ne da terminale

rossano@rossano-US1204:~$ jackd -dalsa -dhw:1 -r44100 -p1024 -n2 -Xseq -P
jackdmp 1.9.8
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2011 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
control device hw:1
control device hw:1
Acquire audio card Audio1
creating alsa driver ... hw:1|-|1024|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:1
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 1024 frames (23.2 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
port created: Midi-Through:midi/playback_1
port created: Midi-Through:midi/capture_1
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/playback_1
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/capture_1
ALSA: poll time out, polled for 34828023 usecs
JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, stopping...
JackProcessSync::LockedTimedWait error usec = 5000000 err = Connection timed out
Driver is not running
Cannot create new client

e dai messaggi ho questo
23:36:59.808 Patchbay disattivato.
23:36:59.810 Resetta le statistiche.
23:36:59.873 Connessioni di ALSA cambiate.
Cannot read socket fd = 18 err = Successo
Cannot open qjackctl client
23:37:04.894 Cambiamento nel grafico delle connessioni di ALSA.
23:37:12.736 JACK sta partendo...
23:37:12.736 /usr/bin/jackd -P85 -dalsa -dhw:1 -r44100 -p1024 -n2 -Xseq -P
Cannot read socket fd = 18 err = Successo
JackSocketClientChannel read fail
Cannot open qjackctl client
23:37:12.813 JACK è stato avviato con PID=4643.
`default' server already active
Failed to open server
jackdmp 1.9.8
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2011 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
23:37:12.818 JACK è stato fermato con stato di uscita 255.
23:37:20.020 Non sono riuscito ad avviare JACK come client. - Operazione fallita. - Errore di comunicazione col server JACK. Controlla la finestra dei messaggi per maggiori informazioni.
Cannot read socket fd = 18 err = Successo
JackSocketClientChannel read fail
Cannot open qjackctl client

... ho messo in blacklist la scheda audio integrata .. ma non è servito a molto ...

Ultima modifica di Rael il Mar Giu 24, 2014 7:03 am - modificato 2 volte.

Messaggi : 1086
Punti : 1442
Data d'iscrizione : 02.05.12
Età : 61
Località : Boffalora d'Adda

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  Steeler Sab Mag 24, 2014 8:55 am

Potrebbe essere dovuto all'hardware poco potente.
Baby Tux
Baby Tux

Messaggi : 554
Punti : 679
Data d'iscrizione : 03.05.12
Età : 40
Località : UK

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  as91 Sab Mag 24, 2014 11:56 am

a parte il fatto che cercando informazioni volevo leggere questo topic: e il forum mi ha detto:"no!, tu non puoi legere"  Sad

Non è un problema di macchia: ti sto scrivendo dal fisso, che è molto meno potente del tuo, ha ubuntu studio 12, non ha problemi e jack lavora

-P85 -dalsa -dhw:1 -r44100 -p1024 -n2 -Xseq -P

togli la seconda "-P" e fai partire.

Se anche così non funziona potrebbe essere un problema di priorità: la priorità come l'hai determinata? per sicurezza prova a fare partire anche senza "-P85"

Dopodiché aggiungi la verbosità dei messaggi - "-v" in riga di comando, in caso di errori stampa maggiori informazioni, utili per aiutarti. se parte allora devi ricontrollare la priorità con rtirq. Anche perchè di solito 85 è la priorità delle schede audio,90 del realtime.

Se fatto questo non parte ancora, mandaci i messaggi dopo aver impostato il parametro "-v". Intanto prova anche col parametro "-m

prova con:

jackd -v -m -dalsa -dhw:1 -r48000 -p1024 -n3 -Xseq

e come di routine controlla il dhw Wink

Messaggi : 473
Punti : 568
Data d'iscrizione : 05.02.14

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  as91 Sab Mag 24, 2014 5:00 pm

EDIT: se avvi jack da riga di comando hai molte più informazioni rispetto a leggere la finestra della GUI.
Inoltre con "-v" i messaggi di errore diventano molto chiari e dettagliati: ti spiega la causa (scheda audio-driver-processo occupati...) e la soluzione.

Difatti ho notato oggi che avviando rtirq sul pentium possono nascere problemi di conflitti, per esempio a me rtirq faceva partire un processo collegato a Cadence. Oltre al fatto che io preferisco QjackCtl a questa, anche provando a far partire il primo programma mi segnava che c'era una prima istanza del programma in corso che andava ad occupare la scheda audio con un processo.

Nei messaggi di jackd c'era scritto chiaramente che il processo "jackd bus" creato da Cadence*** teneva occupato il dispositivo Audio0, che era quindi impossibile da usare.

Aperto il task manager ho interrotto il processo, riprovato e jackd è subito partito

Messaggi : 473
Punti : 568
Data d'iscrizione : 05.02.14

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  Rael Mar Mag 27, 2014 4:56 am

eccomi  :-)

con -85 ho avuto l'impression fosse partito ma come ho avviato Ardour per vedere se effetivamente il motore audioe era ok si è impiantato il pc e ho dovuto riavviare,
mentre con l'altra riga di comando ho:
rossano@rossano-US1204:~$ jackd -v -m -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p1024 -n3 -Xseq
jackdmp 1.9.8
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2011 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: playback device hw:0
Jack: capture device hw:0
Jack: apparent rate = 48000
Jack: frames per period = 1024
Jack: JackDriver::Open capture_driver_name = hw:0
Jack: JackDriver::Open playback_driver_name = hw:0
Jack: Check protocol client = 8 server = 8
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = system
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 0
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_system val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = system
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 1024
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
control device hw:0
control device hw:0
Acquire audio card Audio0
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|3|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
configuring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames (21.3 ms), buffer = 3 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 3 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 3 periods for playback
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Open
Jack: Bind: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 1
Jack: JackEngine::Open
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = freewheel
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 1
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_freewheel val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = freewheel
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = system name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 0 driver = freewheel name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 1024
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fBufferSize 1024 fSampleRate 48000
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 1 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 1
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 2 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 2
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 2
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 3 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 3
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 3
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 4 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 4
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 5 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 5
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 5
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 6 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 6
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 6
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 7 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 7
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 7
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 8 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 8
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 8
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 9 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 9
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 10 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 11 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 11
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 11
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 12 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 12
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 12
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 13 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 13
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 13
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 14 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 14
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 14
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 15 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 15
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 15
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 16 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 16
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 16
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 17 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 17
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 17
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 18 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 18
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 18
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 19 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 19
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 19
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 20 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 20
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 20
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 21 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 21
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 21
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 22 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 22
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 22
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackServer::Start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Start
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 23 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 23
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 24 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 24
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/capture_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 25 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 25
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 26 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 26
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/capture_1
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Init real-time
Jack: JackPosixThread::AcquireRealTimeImp priority = 10
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 13
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 14
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 15
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 16
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 17
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 18
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 19
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 20
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 21
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 22
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 13
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 14
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 15
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 16
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 17
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 18
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 19
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 20
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 21
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 22
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 2
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 3
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 5
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 6
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 7
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 8
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 9
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 10
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 11
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 12
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 2
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 3
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 5
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 6
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 7
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 8
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 9
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 10
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 11
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 12
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
ALSA: poll time out, polled for 31999023 usecs
JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, stopping...
Jack: ThreadHandler: exit
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10

facendo partire Ardour mi chiede di far partire il motore audio quindi deduco che Jack non si è avviato

Ho provato anche a farlo partire dall'interfaccia grafica impostando priorità a -85 e aggiungendo la verbosità e non parte e ho questi messaggi:

06:59:23.044 Patchbay disattivato.
06:59:23.052 Resetta le statistiche.
06:59:23.097 Connessioni di ALSA cambiate.
Cannot connect to server socket err = File o directory non esistente
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
06:59:23.112 Cambiamento nel grafico delle connessioni di ALSA.
06:59:45.083 JACK sta partendo...
06:59:45.084 /usr/bin/jackd -v -P85 -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p1024 -n2 -Xseq
Cannot connect to server socket err = File o directory non esistente
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
06:59:45.108 JACK è stato avviato con PID=2181.
jackdmp 1.9.8
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2011 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 85
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: playback device hw:0
Jack: capture device hw:0
Jack: apparent rate = 44100
Jack: frames per period = 1024
Jack: JackDriver::Open capture_driver_name = hw:0
Jack: JackDriver::Open playback_driver_name = hw:0
Jack: Check protocol client = 8 server = 8
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = system
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 0
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_system val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = system
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 1024
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
control device hw:0
control device hw:0
Acquire audio card Audio0
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 1024 frames (23.2 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Open
Jack: Bind: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 1
Jack: JackEngine::Open
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = freewheel
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 1
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_freewheel val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = freewheel
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = system name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 0 driver = freewheel name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 1024
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fBufferSize 1024 fSampleRate 44100
06:59:45.413 Cambiamento nel grafico delle connessioni di ALSA.
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 1 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 1
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 2 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 2
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 2
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 3 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 3
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 3
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 4 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 4
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 5 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 5
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 5
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 6 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 6
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 6
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 7 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 7
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 7
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 8 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 8
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 8
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 9 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 9
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 10 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 11 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 11
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 11
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 12 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 12
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 12
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 13 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 13
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 13
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 14 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 14
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 14
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 15 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 15
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 15
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 16 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 16
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 16
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 17 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 17
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 17
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 18 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 18
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 18
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 19 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 19
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 19
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 20 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 20
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 20
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 21 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 21
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 21
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 22 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 22
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 22
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackServer::Start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Start
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 23 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 23
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 24 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 24
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/capture_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 25 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 25
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 26 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 26
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/capture_1
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Init real-time
Jack: JackPosixThread::AcquireRealTimeImp priority = 85
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
06:59:52.203 Non sono riuscito ad avviare JACK come client. - Operazione fallita. - Errore di comunicazione col server JACK. Controlla la finestra dei messaggi per maggiori informazioni.
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: Poll client error err = Success
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientKill ref = -1
Jack: Client was not opened : probably correspond to server_check
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: JackRequest::ClientCheck
Jack: Check protocol client = 8 server = 8
Jack: JackRequest::ClientOpen
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientAdd
Jack: JackEngine::ClientExternalOpen: uuid = 0, name = qjackctl
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 2
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_qjackctl val = 0
Jack: JackSocketNotifyChannel::Open name = qjackctl
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_qjackctl_1000_0
Jack: JackShmMem::new index = 2 attached = aed64000 size = 377
Jack: JackExternalClient::Open name = qjackctl index = 2 base = aed64000
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait time out = 5000000
JackProcessSync::LockedTimedWait error usec = 5000000 err = Connection timed out
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait finished delta = 5000134.0
Driver is not running
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Destroy name = jack_sem.1000_default_qjackctl
Jack: JackExternalClient::Close
Jack: JackSocketNotifyChannel::Close
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackShmMem::delete size = 0 index = 2
Cannot create new client
Cannot read socket fd = 20 err = Successo
JackSocketClientChannel read fail
Cannot open qjackctl client
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: Poll client error err = No such file or directory
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientKill ref = -1
Jack: Client was not opened : probably correspond to server_check
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
06:59:54.485 JACK si sta arrestando...
jack main caught signal 15
Jack: JackServer::Stop
Jack: JackPosixThread::Stop
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackRequest::Notification kQUIT
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute JackQuitException
Jack: ThreadHandler: exit
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Stop
Jack: JackPosixThread::Stop
ALSA: poll time out, polled for 34828025 usecs
JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, stopping...
Jack: ThreadHandler: exit
Jack: JackServer::Close
Jack: JackServerSocket::Close /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
07:00:20.290 Cambiamento nel grafico delle connessioni di ALSA.
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 25
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 25 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 25
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 25
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
port deleted: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 23
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 23 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 23
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 23
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
port deleted: Midi-Through:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 26
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 26 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput port_index = 26
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveInputPort ref = 0 port_index = 26
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
port deleted: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/capture_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 24
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 24 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput port_index = 24
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveInputPort ref = 0 port_index = 24
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
port deleted: Midi-Through:midi/capture_1
07:00:20.390 Cambiamento nel grafico delle connessioni di ALSA.
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Detach
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 1
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 1 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 1
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 1
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 2
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 2 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 2
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 2
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 3
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 3 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 3
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 3
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 4
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 4 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 4
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 5
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 5 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 5
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 5
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 6
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 6 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 6
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 6
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 7
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 7 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 7
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 7
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 8
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 8 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 8
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 8
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 9
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 9 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 9
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 10 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 10
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 11
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 11 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 11
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 11
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 12
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 12 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = 12
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveOutputPort ref = 0 port_index = 12
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 13
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 13 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput port_index = 13
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveInputPort ref = 0 port_index = 13
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 14
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 14 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput port_index = 14
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveInputPort ref = 0 port_index = 14
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 15
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 15 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput port_index = 15
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveInputPort ref = 0 port_index = 15
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 16
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 16 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput port_index = 16
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveInputPort ref = 0 port_index = 16
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 17
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 17 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput port_index = 17
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveInputPort ref = 0 port_index = 17
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 18
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 18 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput port_index = 18
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveInputPort ref = 0 port_index = 18
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 19
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 19 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput port_index = 19
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveInputPort ref = 0 port_index = 19
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 20
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 20 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput port_index = 20
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveInputPort ref = 0 port_index = 20
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 21
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 21 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput port_index = 21
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveInputPort ref = 0 port_index = 21
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = 0 port_index = 22
Jack: JackEngine::PortDisconnect src = 22 dst = 65535
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput port_index = 22
Jack: JackConnectionManager::RemoveInputPort ref = 0 port_index = 22
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 10
Jack: JackDriver::Close
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectDisconnect last: ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientCloseAux ref = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::RemoveAllPorts ref = 0
Jack: JackDriver::Clien
07:00:20.481 JACK è stato fermato con successo.
tNotify ref = 0 driver = freewheel name = system notify = 1
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Destroy name = jack_sem.1000_default_system
control device hw:0
Released audio card Audio0
control device hw:0
Jack: JackDriver::Close
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectDisconnect last: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::DisconnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackEngine::ClientCloseAux ref = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::RemoveAllPorts ref = 1
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Destroy name = jack_sem.1000_default_freewheel
Jack: JackEngine::Close
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: no message buffer overruns
Jack: JackPosixThread::Stop
Jack: ThreadHandler: exit
Jack: Succeeded in unlocking 82241434 byte memory area
Jack: JackShmMem::delete size = 0 index = 0
Jack: ~JackDriver
Jack: ~JackDriver
Jack: Succeeded in unlocking 994 byte memory area
Jack: JackShmMem::delete size = 0 index = 1
Jack: cleaning up shared memory
Jack: cleaning up files
Jack: unregistering server `default'


Messaggi : 1086
Punti : 1442
Data d'iscrizione : 02.05.12
Età : 61
Località : Boffalora d'Adda

Torna in alto Andare in basso

Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  Rael Mar Mag 27, 2014 5:26 am

per semplice curiosità .. perchè mi era balenato in testa che la scheda audio avesse un problema fisico , ho bootato con ubuntu studio 10.10 e chiaramente jack funziona .. la scheda non ha niente.

07:22:42.685 Patchbay attivato.
07:22:42.688 Resetta le statistiche.
07:22:42.747 Connessioni di ALSA cambiate.
Cannot connect to server socket err = File o directory non esistente
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
07:22:42.758 Cambiamento nel grafico delle connessioni di ALSA.
07:22:42.951 Scansione del patchbay per ALSA attivo...
07:22:50.326 Script di inizio...
07:22:50.327 artsshell -q terminate
Cannot connect to server socket err = File o directory non esistente
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
sh: artsshell: not found
07:22:50.729 Script di inizio terminato con stato di uscita 32512.
07:22:50.729 JACK sta partendo...
07:22:50.730 /usr/bin/jackd -v -P70 -m -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p256 -n2 -Xseq
07:22:50.735 JACK è stato avviato con PID=2280.
no message buffer overruns
no message buffer overruns
jackdmp 1.9.7
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2010 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 70
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: playback device hw:0
Jack: capture device hw:0
Jack: apparent rate = 44100
Jack: frames per period = 256
Jack: JackDriver::Open capture_driver_name = hw:0
Jack: JackDriver::Open playback_driver_name = hw:0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = system
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 0
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_system val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = system
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 256
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
control device hw:0
control device hw:0
Acquire audio card Audio0
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|256|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
Using ALSA driver ICE1712 running on card 0 - M Audio Delta 1010LT at 0xac00, irq 17
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 256 frames (5.8 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Open
Jack: Bind: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 1
Jack: JackEngine::Open
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = freewheel
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 1
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_freewheel val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = freewheel
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
07:22:51.041 Cambiamento nel grafico delle connessioni di ALSA.
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 256
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fBufferSize 256 fSampleRate 44100
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 1 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 1
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 2 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 2
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 2
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 3 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 3
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 3
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 4 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 4
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 5 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 5
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 5
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 6 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 6
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 6
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 7 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 7
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 7
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 8 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 8
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 8
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 9 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 9
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 9
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 10 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 10
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 10
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 11 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 11
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 11
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 12 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 12
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 12
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 13 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 13
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 13
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 14 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 14
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 14
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 15 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 15
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 15
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 16 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 16
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 16
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 17 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 17
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 17
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 18 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 18
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 18
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 19 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 19
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 19
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 20 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 20
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 20
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 21 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 21
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 21
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 22 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 22
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 22
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackServer::Start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Start
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 54 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 23 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 23
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 53 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 24 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 24
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/capture_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 54 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 25 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 25
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 53 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 26 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 26
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/capture_1
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Init IsRealTime
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
07:22:51.231 Scansione del patchbay per ALSA attivo...
07:22:52.892 Connessioni di JACK cambiate.
07:22:52.894 Configurazione del server salvata in "/home/ross/.jackdrc".
07:22:52.895 Resetta le statistiche.
07:22:52.907 Client attivato.
07:22:52.908 Scansione del patchbay per JACK activo...
07:22:52.915 Grafico delle connessioni di JACK modificato.
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: Poll client error err = Success
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientKill ref = -1
Jack: Client was not opened : probably correspond to server_check
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: JackRequest::ClientCheck
Jack: Check protocol client 8 server = 8
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: JackRequest::ClientOpen
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientAdd
Jack: JackEngine::ClientExternalOpen: uuid=0, name = qjackctl
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 2
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_qjackctl val = 0
Jack: JackSocketNotifyChannel::Open name = qjackctl
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_qjackctl_1000_0
Jack: JackShmMem::new index = 2 attached = b7743000 size = 384
Jack: JackExternalClient::Open name = qjackctl index = 2 base = b7743000
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait time out = 5000000
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait finished delta = 3459.0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = qjackctl
Jack: JackExternalClient::ClientNotify ref = 0 name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackExternalClient::ClientNotify ref = 1 name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackExternalClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = qjackctl notify = 0
Jack: JackExternalClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = qjackctl notify = 0
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: JackClient::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Connect jack_sem.1000_default_qjackctl
Jack: Already connected name = qjackctl
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackLibClient::Open name = qjackctl refnum = 2
Jack: jack_set_graph_order_callback ext_client 8b11bf0 client 8b11bf0
Jack: SetGraphOrderCallback
Jack: JackClient::Activate
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: JackRequest::ActivateClient
Jack: JackEngine::ClientActivate ref = 2 name = qjackctl
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait time out = 116080
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait finished delta = 2309.0
Jack: JackExternalClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = qjackctl notify = 2
Jack: JackClient::kActivateClient name = qjackctl ref = 2
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackExternalClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = qjackctl notify = 4
Jack: JackClient::kGraphOrderCallback
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
07:22:53.111 Scansione del patchbay per JACK activo...
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11

Messaggi : 1086
Punti : 1442
Data d'iscrizione : 02.05.12
Età : 61
Località : Boffalora d'Adda

Torna in alto Andare in basso

Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  as91 Mar Mag 27, 2014 9:05 pm

intendevo questa -p:

-P85 -dalsa -dhw:1 -r44100 -p1024 -n2 -Xseq -P <=

Comunque il log dice che hai problemi col driver...

ALSA: poll time out, polled for 31999023 usecs

grazie al messaggio di errore ti dico che:

I moduli nVidia sono noti per creare conflitti con i processi realtime, con effetti imprevedibili su altri processi del sistema, ma il problema più frequente riguarda jack avviato senza avergli permesso di poter consumare più risorse di ogni altro processo.

Se non hai moduli iNvidia continua questa può essere comunque la tua soluzione

Una soluzione è quella di installare "ubuntustudio-controls => GUIDA e configurare i limiti [impostazione nice, valore:"-10"].

L'altra soluzione consiste nell'aggiungere il tuo user al gruppo audio, e creare un file /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf contente le seguenti linee:

@audio - memlock unlimited
@audio - rtprio 95

Una volta eseguito il log out, e il log in, dovresti essere in grado di avviare jack in realtime. Giù di default in ubuntostudio, al contrario del primo passo.

Inoltre nota che: limits.d imposta la priorità del modulo RT a 95 ("rtc" in rtirq), a 85 hai la scheda audio (snd... in rtirq). jackd DEVE avere priorità compresa tra questi 2 valori, ma non uguale ad essi. Usa 87 come priorità, non 85.

Le priorità funzionano al contrario: la catena è "Il timer di sistema controlla Jack che controlla la scheda audio che controlla i vari QSynth e Timidity": la priorità di Jack - seguendo l'esempio riportato or ora, va tra 85 e 95 (esclusi gli estremi), e i vari QSynth e Timidity appena sotto l'ultima priorità segnata in "./rtirq status". (nel mio sistema appena sotto 70).

Se questo non dovesse funzionare controlla che tu non abbia il "PCI Express power management" attivo nel tuo BIOS

Quest'ultimo consiglio non dovrebbe avere nulla a che fare con te, però se quello che ho detto sopra non funziona puoi provare a farlo...

Messaggi : 473
Punti : 568
Data d'iscrizione : 05.02.14

Torna in alto Andare in basso

Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  Rael Mar Mag 27, 2014 11:14 pm

Allora, prima domanda .. moduli Nvidia?   per scheda grafica?  non sò se li ho o se li uso perchè ho scheda video integrata .. non credo sia Nvidia.

A parte questo ho fatto come mi hai detto:

Ho installato Ubuntu studio control e settato come mi hai suggerito, poi ho avviato jack in modo grafico ed è partito .. ho avviato Ardour e ha funzionato .. dopo di che chiuso Ardour e stoppato Jack per portarlo da 1024 a 256 la priorità l'avevo settata a 87
parte ma mi inchioda il pc a livello grafico .. ovvero il puntatore del mouse funziona .. l'orologio di sistema anche ma non riesco ad aprire menù .. fare nulla insomma neanche con il contr+alt+can ... quindi forzo lo spegnimento.

Riavvio e jack non parte, a questo punto vado a vedere se il mio user è aggiunto al gruppo audio .. ed è così,  apro da terminale l'audio.conf e lo trovo già settato come da istruzioni ovvero:
# Provided by the jackd package.
# Changes to this file will be preserved.
# If you want to enable/disable realtime permissions, run
#    dpkg-reconfigure -p high jackd

@audio   -  rtprio     95
@audio   -  memlock    unlimited
#@audio   -  nice      -19

vedo però che qui il nice è a -19 mentre nell'impostazioni di Ubuntu controls l'ho settato a -10 .... è normale? .. il fatto che ha il cancelletto forse non considera l'istruzione .. giusto?

la situazione di jack è la seguente:
rossano@rossano-US1204:~$ jackd -v -P87 -dalsa -dhw:0,0 -r44100 -p256 -n2 -Xseq
jackdmp 1.9.8
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2011 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 87
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: playback device hw:0,0
Jack: capture device hw:0,0
Jack: apparent rate = 44100
Jack: frames per period = 256
Jack: JackDriver::Open capture_driver_name = hw:0,0
Jack: JackDriver::Open playback_driver_name = hw:0,0
Jack: Check protocol client = 8 server = 8
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = system
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 0
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_system val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = system
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 256
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
control device hw:0
control device hw:0
Acquire audio card Audio0
creating alsa driver ... hw:0,0|hw:0,0|256|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 256 frames (5.8 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Open
Jack: Bind: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 1
Jack: JackEngine::Open
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = freewheel
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 1
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_freewheel val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = freewheel
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = system name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 0 driver = freewheel name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 256
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fBufferSize 256 fSampleRate 44100
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 1 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 1
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 2 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 2
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 2
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 3 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 3
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 3
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 4 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 4
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 5 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 5
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 5
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 6 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 6
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 6
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 7 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 7
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 7
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 8 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 8
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 8
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 9 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 9
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 10 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 11 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 11
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 11
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 12 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 12
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 12
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 13 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 13
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 13
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 14 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 14
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 14
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 15 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 15
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 15
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 16 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 16
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 16
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 17 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 17
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 17
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 18 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 18
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 18
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 19 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 19
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 19
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 20 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 20
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 20
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 21 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 21
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 21
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 22 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 22
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 22
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackServer::Start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Start
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 23 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 23
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 24 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 24
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/capture_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 25 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 25
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 26 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 26
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/capture_1
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Init real-time
Jack: JackPosixThread::AcquireRealTimeImp priority = 87
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
ALSA: poll time out, polled for 8706022 usecs
JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, stopping...
Jack: ThreadHandler: exit
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: Poll client error err = Success
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientKill ref = -1
Jack: Client was not opened : probably correspond to server_check
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: JackRequest::ClientCheck
Jack: Check protocol client = 8 server = 8
Jack: JackRequest::ClientOpen
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientAdd
Jack: JackEngine::ClientExternalOpen: uuid = 0, name = qjackctl
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 2
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_qjackctl val = 0
Jack: JackSocketNotifyChannel::Open name = qjackctl
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_qjackctl_1000_0
Jack: JackShmMem::new index = 2 attached = b72cc000 size = 377
Jack: JackExternalClient::Open name = qjackctl index = 2 base = b72cc000
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait time out = 5000000
JackProcessSync::LockedTimedWait error usec = 5000000 err = Connection timed out
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait finished delta = 5000135.0
Driver is not running
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Destroy name = jack_sem.1000_default_qjackctl
Jack: JackExternalClient::Close
Jack: JackSocketNotifyChannel::Close
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackShmMem::delete size = 0 index = 2
Cannot create new client
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: Poll client error err = No such file or directory
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientKill ref = -1
Jack: Client was not opened : probably correspond to server_check
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: Poll client error err = No such file or directory
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientKill ref = -1
Jack: Client was not opened : probably correspond to server_check
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: JackRequest::ClientCheck
Jack: Check protocol client = 8 server = 8
Jack: JackRequest::ClientOpen
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientAdd
Jack: JackEngine::ClientExternalOpen: uuid = 1, name = ardourprobe
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 2
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_ardourprobe val = 0
Jack: JackSocketNotifyChannel::Open name = ardourprobe
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_ardourprobe_1000_0
Jack: JackShmMem::new index = 2 attached = b72cc000 size = 377
Jack: JackExternalClient::Open name = ardourprobe index = 2 base = b72cc000
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait time out = 5000000
JackProcessSync::LockedTimedWait error usec = 5000000 err = Connection timed out
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait finished delta = 5000112.0
Driver is not running
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Destroy name = jack_sem.1000_default_ardourprobe
Jack: JackExternalClient::Close
Jack: JackSocketNotifyChannel::Close
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackShmMem::delete size = 0 index = 2
Cannot create new client
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: Poll client error err = No such file or directory
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientKill ref = -1
Jack: Client was not opened : probably correspond to server_check
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10

sono andato a vedere nel bios e il PCI power management era già disabilitato ... già che ero in bios ho abilitato nei chipset top performance ... non sò se ho fatto bene.


Messaggi : 1086
Punti : 1442
Data d'iscrizione : 02.05.12
Età : 61
Località : Boffalora d'Adda

Torna in alto Andare in basso

Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  Rael Mar Mag 27, 2014 11:32 pm

ho fatto partire Jack da grafica e anche se graficamente sembra ok di fatto è stoppato in quanto in Ardour si apre la maschera iniziale dove chiedere di far partire il motore audio .. e nei messaggi leggo che è stoppato

01:22:29.477 Patchbay disattivato.
01:22:29.565 Resetta le statistiche.
01:22:29.601 Connessioni di ALSA cambiate.
Cannot connect to server socket err = File o directory non esistente
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
01:22:48.880 JACK sta partendo...
01:22:48.880 /usr/bin/jackd -v -P87 -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p256 -n2 -Xseq
Cannot connect to server socket err = File o directory non esistente
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
01:22:48.907 JACK è stato avviato con PID=1953.
jackdmp 1.9.8
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2011 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 87
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: playback device hw:0
Jack: capture device hw:0
Jack: apparent rate = 44100
Jack: frames per period = 256
Jack: JackDriver::Open capture_driver_name = hw:0
Jack: JackDriver::Open playback_driver_name = hw:0
Jack: Check protocol client = 8 server = 8
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = system
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 0
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_system val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = system
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 256
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
control device hw:0
control device hw:0
Acquire audio card Audio0
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|256|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 256 frames (5.8 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Open
Jack: Bind: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 1
Jack: JackEngine::Open
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = freewheel
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 1
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_freewheel val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = freewheel
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = system name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 0 driver = freewheel name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 256
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fBufferSize 256 fSampleRate 44100
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 1 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 1
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
01:22:49.406 Cambiamento nel grafico delle connessioni di ALSA.
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 2 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 2
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 2
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 3 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 3
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 3
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 4 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 4
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 5 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 5
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 5
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 6 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 6
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 6
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 7 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 7
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 7
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 8 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 8
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 8
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 9 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 9
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 10 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 11 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 11
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 11
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 12 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 12
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 12
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 13 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 13
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 13
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 14 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 14
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 14
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 15 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 15
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 15
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 16 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 16
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 16
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 17 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 17
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 17
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 18 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 18
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 18
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 19 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 19
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 19
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 20 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 20
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 20
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 21 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 21
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 21
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 22 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 22
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 22
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackServer::Start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Start
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 23 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 23
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 24 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 24
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/capture_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 25 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 25
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 26 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 26
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/capture_1
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Init real-time
Jack: JackPosixThread::AcquireRealTimeImp priority = 87
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 13
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 14
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 15
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 16
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 17
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 18
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 19
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 20
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 21
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 22
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 13
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 14
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 15
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 16
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 17
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 18
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 19
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 20
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 21
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 22
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 2
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 3
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 5
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 6
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 7
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 8
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 9
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 10
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 11
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 12
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 2
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 3
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 5
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 6
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 7
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 8
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 9
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 10
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 11
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 12
01:22:51.038 Connessioni di JACK cambiate.
01:22:51.041 Configurazione del server salvata in "/home/rossano/.jackdrc".
01:22:51.042 Resetta le statistiche.
01:22:51.055 Client attivato.
01:22:51.072 Grafico delle connessioni di JACK modificato.
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: Poll client error err = Success
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientKill ref = -1
Jack: Client was not opened : probably correspond to server_check
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: JackRequest::ClientCheck
Jack: Check protocol client = 8 server = 8
Jack: JackRequest::ClientOpen
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientAdd
Jack: JackEngine::ClientExternalOpen: uuid = 0, name = qjackctl
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 2
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_qjackctl val = 0
Jack: JackSocketNotifyChannel::Open name = qjackctl
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_qjackctl_1000_0
Jack: JackShmMem::new index = 2 attached = aed4d000 size = 377
Jack: JackExternalClient::Open name = qjackctl index = 2 base = aed4d000
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait time out = 5000000
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait finished delta = 4959.0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = qjackctl
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 2 driver = system name = qjackctl notify = 0
Jack: JackExternalClient::ClientNotify ref = 0 client = qjackctl name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 2 driver = freewheel name = qjackctl notify = 0
Jack: JackExternalClient::ClientNotify ref = 1 client = qjackctl name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 13
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 14
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 15
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 16
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 17
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 18
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 19
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 20
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 21
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 22
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 13
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 14
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 15
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 16
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 17
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 18
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 19
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 20
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 21
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 22
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 2
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 3
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 5
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 6
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 7
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 8
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 9
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 10
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 11
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 12
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 2
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 3
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 5
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 6
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 7
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 8
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 9
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 10
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 11
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 12
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: JackClient::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Connect name = jack_sem.1000_default_qjackctl
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Connect sem_getvalue 0
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackLibClient::Open name = qjackctl refnum = 2
Jack: jack_set_graph_order_callback ext_client 91bb550 client 91bb550
Jack: JackClient::Activate
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: JackRequest::ActivateClient
Jack: JackEngine::ClientActivate ref = 2 name = qjackctl
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait time out = 116080
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait finished delta = 2368.0
Jack: JackExternalClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 client = qjackctl name = qjackctl notify = 2
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = qjackctl notify = 2
Jack: JackClient::kActivateClient name = qjackctl ref = 2
Jack: WaitGraphChange...
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 4
Jack: JackExternalClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 client = qjackctl name = qjackctl notify = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 13
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 14
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 15
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 16
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 17
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = qjackctl notify = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 18
Jack: JackClient::kGraphOrderCallback
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 19
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 20
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 21
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 22
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 13
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 14
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 15
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 16
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 17
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 18
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 19
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 20
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 21
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 22
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 2
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 3
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 5
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 6
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 7
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 8
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 9
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 10
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 11
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 12
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 2
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 3
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 5
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 6
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 7
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 8
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 9
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 10
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 11
Jack: JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = 12
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
ALSA: poll time out, polled for 8706025 usecs
JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, stopping...
Jack: ThreadHandler: exit
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
01:26:04.366 Cambiamento nel grafico delle connessioni di ALSA.
01:26:04.465 Connessioni di ALSA cambiate.
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 4
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fSocketTable i = 3 fd = 16
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 3 fd = 16
Jack: Poll client error err = No such file or directory
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientKill ref = -1
Jack: Client was not opened : probably correspond to server_check
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 4
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fSocketTable i = 3 fd = 16
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 3 fd = 16
Jack: JackRequest::ClientCheck
Jack: Check protocol client = 8 server = 8
Jack: JackRequest::ClientOpen
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientAdd
Jack: JackEngine::ClientExternalOpen: uuid = 1, name = ardourprobe
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 3
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_ardourprobe val = 0
Jack: JackSocketNotifyChannel::Open name = ardourprobe
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_ardourprobe_1000_0
Jack: JackShmMem::new index = 3 attached = b72f5000 size = 377
Jack: JackExternalClient::Open name = ardourprobe index = 3 base = b72f5000
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait time out = 5000000
JackProcessSync::LockedTimedWait error usec = 5000000 err = Connection timed out
Jack: JackProcessSync::TimedWait finished delta = 5000125.0
Driver is not running
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Destroy name = jack_sem.1000_default_ardourprobe
Jack: JackExternalClient::Close
Jack: JackSocketNotifyChannel::Close
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackShmMem::delete size = 0 index = 3
Cannot create new client
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 3 fd = 16
Jack: Poll client error err = No such file or directory
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientKill ref = -1
Jack: Client was not opened : probably correspond to server_check
Jack: JackClientSocket::Close
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 3
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fSocketTable i = 2 fd = 11
01:26:16.966 Cambiamento nel grafico delle connessioni di ALSA.
01:26:17.075 Connessioni di ALSA cambiate.
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 2 fd = 11

da terminale invece questa è la solfa

rossano@rossano-US1204:~$ jackd -v -P87 -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p256 -n2 -Xseq
jackdmp 1.9.8
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2011 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 87
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: playback device hw:0
Jack: capture device hw:0
Jack: apparent rate = 44100
Jack: frames per period = 256
Jack: JackDriver::Open capture_driver_name = hw:0
Jack: JackDriver::Open playback_driver_name = hw:0
Jack: Check protocol client = 8 server = 8
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = system
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 0
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_system val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = system
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 256
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
control device hw:0
control device hw:0
Acquire audio card Audio0
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|256|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 256 frames (5.8 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Open
Jack: Bind: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 1
Jack: JackEngine::Open
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = freewheel
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 1
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_freewheel val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = freewheel
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = system name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 0 driver = freewheel name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 256
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fBufferSize 256 fSampleRate 44100
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 1 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 1
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 2 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 2
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 2
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 3 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 3
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 3
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 4 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 4
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 5 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 5
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 5
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 6 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 6
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 6
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 7 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 7
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 7
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 8 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 8
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 8
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 9 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 9
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 10 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 11 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 11
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 11
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 12 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 12
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 12
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 13 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 13
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 13
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 14 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 14
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 14
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 15 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 15
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 15
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 16 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 16
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 16
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 17 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 17
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 17
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 18 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 18
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 18
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 19 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 19
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 19
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 20 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 20
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 20
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 21 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 21
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 21
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 22 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 22
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 22
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackServer::Start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Start
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 23 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 23
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 24 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 24
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/capture_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 25 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 25
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 26 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 26
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/capture_1
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Init real-time
Jack: JackPosixThread::AcquireRealTimeImp priority = 87
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
ALSA: poll time out, polled for 8706024 usecs
JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, stopping...
Jack: ThreadHandler: exit
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10

Messaggi : 1086
Punti : 1442
Data d'iscrizione : 02.05.12
Età : 61
Località : Boffalora d'Adda

Torna in alto Andare in basso

Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  as91 Mer Mag 28, 2014 12:22 am

comunque per un attimo ha funzionato Very Happy

allora vediamo di trovare qualche idea...

-19 col cancelletto vuol dire che è a commento: non lo legge

in ubuntustudio-controls hai lasciato deselezionato "enble memlock" e selezionato "enable raw1394 access"?

Per il resto è molto probabile che sia un problema di hardware, dato che la US 10 non ti da tutti questi problemi - è così, no?

prova ad usarlo senza RT verifica il "PCI Express power managemen"

hai sempre lo stesso errore: "ALSA: poll time out, polled for 8706022 usecs"

prova con:

-cambiano "/usr/bin/jackd" in "/usr/bin/jackd -S" nelle impostazioni di jackd o "/usr/bin/jackd --sync"


jackd -S -v -P87 -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p1024 -n3 -Xseq
jackd -sync -v -P87 -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p1024 -n3 -Xseq

Messaggi : 473
Punti : 568
Data d'iscrizione : 05.02.14

Torna in alto Andare in basso

Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  Rael Mer Mag 28, 2014 10:01 pm

allora .. era impostato su nice .. ora l'ho settato su enable raw

con questo comando ottengo:
rossano@rossano-US1204:~$ jackd -sync -v -P87 -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p1024 -n3 -Xseq
jackdmp 1.9.8
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2011 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
unknown option character y

usage: jackdmp [ --no-realtime OR -r ]
               [ --realtime OR -R [ --realtime-priority OR -P priority ] ]
      (the two previous arguments are mutually exclusive. The default is --realtime)
               [ --name OR -n server-name ]
               [ --timeout OR -t client-timeout-in-msecs ]
               [ --loopback OR -L loopback-port-number ]
               [ --port-max OR -p maximum-number-of-ports]
               [ --slave-backend OR -X slave-backend-name ]
               [ --internal-client OR -I internal-client-name ]
               [ --verbose OR -v ]
               [ --clocksource OR -c [ c(ycle) | h(pet) | s(ystem) ]
               [ --replace-registry ]
               [ --silent OR -s ]
               [ --sync OR -S ]
               [ --temporary OR -T ]
               [ --version OR -V ]
         -d master-backend-name [ ... master-backend args ... ]
               Available master backends may include: alsa, dummy, freebob, firewire, net or netone.

       jackdmp -d master-backend-name --help
             to display options for each master backend

con l'altro invece:
rossano@rossano-US1204:~$ jackd -S -v -P87 -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p1024 -n3 -Xseq
jackdmp 1.9.8
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2011 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 87
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: playback device hw:0
Jack: capture device hw:0
Jack: apparent rate = 48000
Jack: frames per period = 1024
Jack: JackDriver::Open capture_driver_name = hw:0
Jack: JackDriver::Open playback_driver_name = hw:0
Jack: Check protocol client = 8 server = 8
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = system
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 0
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_system val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = system
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 1024
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode
control device hw:0
control device hw:0
Acquire audio card Audio0
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|3|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
configuring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames (21.3 ms), buffer = 3 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 3 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 3 periods for playback
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Open
Jack: Bind: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 1
Jack: JackEngine::Open
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = freewheel
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 1
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_freewheel val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = freewheel
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = system name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 0 driver = freewheel name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 1024
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fBufferSize 1024 fSampleRate 48000
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 1 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 1
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 2 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 2
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 2
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 3 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 3
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 3
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 4 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 4
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 5 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 5
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 5
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 6 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 6
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 6
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 7 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 7
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 7
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 8 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 8
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 8
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 9 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 9
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 10 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 11 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 11
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 11
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 12 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 12
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 12
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 13 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 13
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 13
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 14 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 14
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 14
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 15 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 15
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 15
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 16 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 16
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 16
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 17 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 17
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 17
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 18 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 18
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 18
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 19 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 19
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 19
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 20 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 20
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 20
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 21 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 21
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 21
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 1024
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 22 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 22
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 22
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackServer::Start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Start
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 23 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 23
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 24 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 24
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/capture_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 25 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 25
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 26 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 26
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/capture_1
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Init real-time
Jack: JackPosixThread::AcquireRealTimeImp priority = 87
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
ALSA: poll time out, polled for 31999026 usecs
JackAudioDriver::ProcessSync: read error, stopping...
Jack: ThreadHandler: exit

.. non può essere qualcosa legato alla grafica che dà fastidio .. ?

Messaggi : 1086
Punti : 1442
Data d'iscrizione : 02.05.12
Età : 61
Località : Boffalora d'Adda

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  Rael Mer Mag 28, 2014 10:58 pm


Ho installato il tuo kernel RT e jack stà andando .. Ardour pure ... vuoi dire che c'è qualcosa che il kernel di default di Ubunrtu studio 12.04 low latency pae non digerisce del mio hardware?


Messaggi : 1086
Punti : 1442
Data d'iscrizione : 02.05.12
Età : 61
Località : Boffalora d'Adda

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  as91 Gio Mag 29, 2014 4:51 am

c'è che quello è un low latency mentre il mio è un real time ottimizzato per l'audio.. cincin 

Messaggi : 473
Punti : 568
Data d'iscrizione : 05.02.14

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  Rael Gio Mag 29, 2014 7:12 am

as91 ha scritto:c'è che quello è un low latency mentre il mio è un real time ottimizzato per l'audio.. cincin 

Per ora intanto metto risolto ... poi testerò tutto con calma e ti faccio sapere come stà andando.

Messaggi : 1086
Punti : 1442
Data d'iscrizione : 02.05.12
Età : 61
Località : Boffalora d'Adda

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  Rael Mar Giu 24, 2014 7:04 am

Non è possibile!!

Senza che avessi fatto nulla ... ci risiamo uin'altra volta!
da ieri Jack ha deciso di non avviarsi!

rossano@rossano-US1204:~$ jackd -S -v -P87 -dalsa -dhw:1 -r44100 -p256 -n2 -Xseqjackdmp 1.9.8
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2011 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 87
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: playback device hw:1
Jack: capture device hw:1
Jack: apparent rate = 44100
Jack: frames per period = 256
Jack: JackDriver::Open capture_driver_name = hw:1
Jack: JackDriver::Open playback_driver_name = hw:1
Jack: Check protocol client = 8 server = 8
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = system
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 0
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_system val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = system
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 256
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode
control device hw:1
control device hw:1
Acquire audio card Audio1
creating alsa driver ... hw:1|hw:1|256|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:1
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 256 frames (5.8 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Open
Jack: Bind: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 1
Jack: JackEngine::Open
Jack: Connect: addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = freewheel
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 1
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_freewheel val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = freewheel
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = system name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 0 driver = freewheel name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 256
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fBufferSize 256 fSampleRate 44100
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 1 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 1
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 2 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 2
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 2
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 3 name = system:capture_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 3
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 3
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 4 name = system:capture_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 4
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 4
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 5 name = system:capture_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 5
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 5
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 6 name = system:capture_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 6
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 6
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 7 name = system:capture_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 7
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 7
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 8 name = system:capture_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 8
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 8
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 9 name = system:capture_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 9
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 10 name = system:capture_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 10
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 11 name = system:capture_11 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 11
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 11
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 30 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 12 name = system:capture_12 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 12
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 12
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 13 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 13
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 13
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 14 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 14
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 14
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 15 name = system:playback_3 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 15
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 15
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 16 name = system:playback_4 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 16
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 16
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 17 name = system:playback_5 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 17
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 17
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 18 name = system:playback_6 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 18
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 18
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 19 name = system:playback_7 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 19
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 19
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 20 name = system:playback_8 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 20
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 20
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 21 name = system:playback_9 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 21
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 21
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 256
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 22 name = system:playback_10 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 22
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 22
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackServer::Start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Start
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 23 name = system:midi_capture_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 23
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 24 name = system:midi_playback_1 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 24
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: Midi-Through:midi/capture_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 22 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 25 name = system:midi_capture_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 25
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 21 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 26 name = system:midi_playback_2 type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 26
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyClient: no callback for event = 9
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/capture_1
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Init real-time
Jack: JackPosixThread::AcquireRealTimeImp priority = 87
Jack: Create non RT thread
Jack: ThreadHandler: start
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 10
ALSA: poll time out, polled for 8706023 usecs
JackAudioDriver::ProcessSync: read error, stopping...
Jack: ThreadHandler: exit
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10
Jack: fPollTable i = 1 fd = 10


Messaggi : 1086
Punti : 1442
Data d'iscrizione : 02.05.12
Età : 61
Località : Boffalora d'Adda

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  as91 Ven Giu 27, 2014 10:13 am

prima di tutto ritorna in modalità asincrona: togli il parametro "-S"

Poi torna nel RT: per qualche strano motivo non parti in rt. In mancanza di parametri jackd dovrebbe usare il RT, invece il tuo non lo fa:
Jack: Create non RT thread
Inserisci il parametro per il RT

controlla il suffisso:
-Xseqjackdmp 1.9.8

probabilmente questo è un errore di copia ed incolla, in quanto dovrebbero essere su due righe separate

A questo punto fai il classico giro togliendo i paramentri a vedere quale ti crea il problema: prova a farlo partire senza paramentri:
jackd -dalsa -dhw:1 -r44100 -p256 -n2 -Xseq

Poi aggiungili uno alla volta, lasciando la priorità per ultima, così scopriamo quale ti da problemi

Messaggi : 473
Punti : 568
Data d'iscrizione : 05.02.14

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  Rael Ven Giu 27, 2014 2:25 pm

Avvio con il tuo kernel RT hai idea del perchè non lo vede come RT?


Messaggi : 1086
Punti : 1442
Data d'iscrizione : 02.05.12
Età : 61
Località : Boffalora d'Adda

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  as91 Ven Giu 27, 2014 3:23 pm

non ne ho idea, però hai lo stesso errore..:

ALSA: poll time out, polled for 8706023 usecs
JackAudioDriver::ProcessSync: read error, stopping...
Jack: ThreadHandler: exit

Messaggi : 473
Punti : 568
Data d'iscrizione : 05.02.14

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  Rael Dom Giu 29, 2014 7:37 am

Allora andando per gradi:

che avvio con il tuo kernel è confernato
rossano@rossano-US1204:~$ uname -r

provato a togliere -S ma non cambia nulla

Su jack effettivamente RT non era flaggato, ma selezionadolo ora, il risultato non cambia

Il suffisso -Xseqjackdmp 1.9.8 come si controlla?

Infine ho provato a farlo partire senza parametri ma nulla di fatto:
rossano@rossano-US1204:~$    jackd -dalsa -dhw:1 -r44100 -p256 -n2 -Xseq
jackdmp 1.9.8
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2011 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
control device hw:1
control device hw:1
Acquire audio card Audio1
creating alsa driver ... hw:1|hw:1|256|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:1
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 256 frames (5.8 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
port created: Midi-Through:midi/playback_1
port created: Midi-Through:midi/capture_1
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/playback_1
port created: M-Audio-Delta-1010LT:midi/capture_1
ALSA: poll time out, polled for 8706021 usecs
JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, stopping...


Messaggi : 1086
Punti : 1442
Data d'iscrizione : 02.05.12
Età : 61
Località : Boffalora d'Adda

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  as91 Dom Giu 29, 2014 7:53 pm

non ho nessuna idea...

Messaggi : 473
Punti : 568
Data d'iscrizione : 05.02.14

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

Messaggio  Rael Dom Giu 29, 2014 9:49 pm

Questo pc è un mistero!!

.. per quello stò meditando di farmi un desktop nuovo ...


Messaggi : 1086
Punti : 1442
Data d'iscrizione : 02.05.12
Età : 61
Località : Boffalora d'Adda

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Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04 Empty Re: Jack non si avvia Ubuntu studio 12.04

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